Covid-19, Safety Measures

October 17th 2021

Access to the convention

To access the convention area, you will need to have a valid Covid Safe Ticket (CST) and to wear a mask (see exceptions below).

Belgian Covid Safe Ticket

To qualify for the Belgian Covid Safe Ticket you will need a:

  • European Covid Pass, or any equivalent (NHS Covid Pass, Swiss Covid Certificate, Ukraine Covid Certificate, …) that is recognized in Europe (including qualifying paper certificates with a QR code).
  • Covid Safe Ticket from the ‘CovidSafe’ app or from ‘’ if you are a Belgian citizen or resident.

Our Staff will check the CST QR code everyday. This QR code can be printed on a sheet of paper or shown on your smartphone.

Once our staff has checked that your Covid Safe Ticket is valid, they will provide a wristband that is valid for the whole day and you will not have to get your CST and ID checked again during the day.


You will have to wear a mask at all times in the convention space. Different types of masks are accepted, these are:

  • Fabric masks - they must correctly fit on the face. Bandanas and other light fabrics are not accepted.
  • Surgical masks.
  • FFP2 masks.

The exceptions to the mask rule are:

  • Fursuiters when Fursuiting.
  • Attendees who contacted in advance if there are medical reasons preventing them from wearing a mask during the convention.
  • While eating/drinking in the delimited areas
  • The interlocutor of a deaf or hard of hearing person can temporarily remove their mask.

For people who cannot wear a mask, a face shield is an accepted alternative.

Non-resident citizen

Travelling to Belgium

Here are a few resources to help you answer to most of your questions regarding the current covid measures and restrictions in Belgium and Brussels:

Note that you might have to get tested/and or quarantine upon your arrival. These measures might not be applied if you are vaccinated

It is also advised to consult the website of foreign affairs for your government or your embassy in Belgium to get more specific information about your travel to Belgium, including your return journey (tests or quarantines might apply).

Test Results in Belgium

You can retrieve the result of your Belgian covid test and the certificate from the portal with the use of the CTCP code provided to you and your phone number.

You can get tested by a doctor, in a laboratory or a pharmacy (quick tests). Note that self-tests do not qualify for a valid CST.

Covid Co-ordinator

The convention has a ‘Covid Co-ordinator’ which can be contacted before the convention via email and via the Stewards and Security during the convention.

If you have any questions or remarks, you can contact the ‘Covid Co-ordinator’ at

Covid-19, Safety Measures

September 10th 2021

Dear Attendees,

The current situation allows us to hold the convention on the 10th to the 14th of November. However, regulations require you to have a valid Covid Safe Ticket. It is a European Covid Certificate which contains either:

  • A proof of complete vaccinations (2 weeks from the last required shot).
  • A negative test (less than 3 days old PCR test or less than 2 days old Antigenic test).
  • A proof of recovery from COVID (less than 6 months old).

To limit the risk of transmitting the virus, attendees and staff are required to wear a mask in the convention area when moving around. There are two exceptions to that rule:

  • Fursuiters, when fursuiting, are not required to wear a mask (we highly recommend one when possible).
  • Medical reasons (Informed by email to the Stewards team before the convention).

We will keep monitoring the current situation to see if measures can be relieved before the convention starts.

If you have further questions you can contact our dedicated email address:

As an additional topic to this announcement: Day Tickets sale will be announced soon.

We hope to see you soon and we wish you all a safe convention.

The Flüüfff team.

2021 Edition

August 1st 2021

Dear Flüüfffies,

We would like to remind you of a few things with regard to registration for the Convention, the Events and the Dealers Den.

Convention 🎟

All the tickets that were bought in 2020 are of course valid for this coming edition of Flüüfff in November 2021. No action has to be taken on your side.

Not sure if you have tickets? It’s easy to check: login and go to your profile, then take a look at “Bookings”.

The registration for the day tickets has not yet opened, you will have to wait until the end of August for the reopening. If you have a residential ticket, you don’t have to buy day tickets as well, as the access to the convention is included with your room spot.

Dealers’ Den 🎨

If you applied in 2020 and you got confirmation that your registration has been validated, then it is still valid for the upcoming edition.

If you aren’t sure that your registration for the Dealers’ Den got confirmed or you have questions, you can contact us through our contact form.

Events 💃

If you applied in 2020, don’t worry if you did not get a confirmation yet. The events team will come back to you if your event application has been accepted.

If you haven’t applied yet, the panel proposal form is still open and can be found here.

We hope to see you soon at Flüüfff!
The Registration, Dealers’ Den and Events team.

Convention postponed

August 10th 2020

Convention postponed

Dear (potential) attendee to Flüüfff 2020,

2020 has been a very tumultuous year so far. We’ve seen fires, explosions and angry mobs, and, as you all might be aware of (we’d be surprised if you’re not), a deadly virus spreading at alarming rates.

In other words: The current situation is not looking good with the increase of the Covid-19 cases and reminds us that circumstances can change really quickly.

One of our main practices in dealing with the measures has been a repeating risk assessment, where all factors for the convention (like attendees, spaces, health, safety, amount of beavers) are evaluated in order to determine the risks and hazards of the convention.

The latest risk assessment done together with the involved heads of department indicates that we will be taking too much risk were we to continue the convention as planned without any change to the size, manner, audience or feeling.

The safety of our attendees and staff comes first, always.

In light of the virus, the measures to be taken, the governmental warning and the mandated response from events our size, for the safety of our guests and our staff we have decided the following:

The convention is postponed to next year.

Tickets bought for this edition will be carried over unless you require a refund (instructions below).

The convention in 2021 will happen on the same days: from the 10th to the 14th of November.

Please remember that all enthusiasm and energy you have for the convention feeds us, we love to organise Flüüfff and appreciate your support.

Keep it up, and we hope to see you all again soon! 💖
In the meantime stay safe,
The Flüüfff Team.

Registration: residential tickets validity and refund requests

So what happens to my residential tickets?

By default, your residential tickets remain valid for Flüüfff 2021, and you don’t have to do anything. Would you like a refund? That is also possible!

If you booked a room, simply log in to your account, and you will find a form there with your refund preferences. There will be three options available:

  • Keep ticket;
  • Full refund;
  • Partial refund (with donation).

All refunds happen through bank transfer, so you will be prompted to enter your bank account info.

Additional information:

  • The refund option will be available for 2 months, until October 12th 2020. After this point, refunds are no longer available, but you can still find someone to sell your ticket to!
  • Only rooms booked prior to this announcement are eligible for refunds.
  • All refunds will be processed after the deadline, we are sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding!
  • Please note that sponsor options count as (and are officially registered as) donations, sadly these cannot be refunded.

If you have any further questions, or need refunds processed sooner, don’t hesitate to contact Registration through the registration form and we’ll do our best to help you out!


If you have any questions relative to your booking, refunds, etc, you can message our Registration team through the contact form. They will do their best to provide you a quick and clear answer.

If you have any other questions not related to your bookings, you can contact us through the same contact form.